Sunday, 5 July 2015

Strawberries & Figs

I started a quick little project today. I took some June-bearing strawberries from my parents' farm and put them in some planters. Hopefully they will transplant without too much shock. There was a grand total of 2 strawberries already growing on them, so I'm hoping their most productive days are still ahead.  June-bearing strawberries only yield a single batch of fruit and then stop producing for the remainder of the summer. As an alternative there are also ever-bearing strawberries. These produce a small trickle of fruit all summer long. I have heard a lot of complaints about the productivity of this type, so although I would like strawberries all summer long I'll stick with the free ones I've got.

The U of S's recommendation variety when it comes to June-bearing strawberries this year is Cavendish. At their plant sale this spring I bought a few Kent to plant at the farm. This blog seems to have quite a good experience with them, and from the sounds of it Cavendish has quite a long productive season so that may be a purchase for next spring.

In other news my Chicago Fig from T & T seeds continues to finally sprout. The root bundle had a very tenous sprout when I recieved it in the mail, however it quickly broke off when I unpackaged it. I had given up all hope when last week it finally sprang into life again. I had first seen figs last year on sale at Super Value (President's Choice), but I had dismissed it as yet another item that was on sale in Saskatchewan, but couldn't survive outside a small area in Niagara or Vancouver. But it turns out with a little winter love and care they can be grown here. More on that in a few months I guess!

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